Monday, March 17, 2008

Toketie to the Marquesas!

Thank you to those who have complained about the lack of detail on the blog....good to know someone is reading it!  Sorry, have had radio problems (all fixed now) and the surf often kept us from going to shore to use an internet cafe.
Had daughter Phoebe on board for three weeks and really enjoyed having her.  Having flown into Mexico direct from Mumbai, India, she had to be re-integrated into Western Society....not sure cruising the Gold Coast of Mexico qualifies but it was lots of fun!
Have been cruising with Brian & Cathy on 'Tarun' who will accompany us on the crossing.  Also have enjoyed the company of Bruce & Jeannie on 'Jabula' who unfortunately will stay behind in Mexico this season.
Looks like Tuesday, March 18 is the big day!  We are busy with final provisioning, fuel, water, lashing things down...etc.... We will go downtown in Manzanillo and do the official paperwork with the Port Captain and the Immigration office to check out of Mexico.  Weather seems favorable and the plan is to head for a position of about 8 degrees North and 128 degrees West before turning South to cross the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone and a direct bearing for the Marquesas.
It is exciting and nerve racking at the same time!  I think it will settle down after a few days at sea.
Will do our best to update the blog along the and power supply gods willing!  Also hope to get our position up on the Winlink Position Reporter site....for anyone who can find this website, its a map that shows our progress.. .....just enter va7dxf or find it on the list!  Should have it up there in the next day or so.
Meanwhile, we are thinking of all of you back there and hope you get some small satisfaction following our journey!
Cheers David & Linda
S/V Toketie

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